The fact is most women have experienced body changes after childbirth. Many of these women feel embarrassed and uncomfortable with some aspect of their physical appearance.
Most of our patients are women between the ages of 20 and 55, but some of our patients are as young as 18, or are as old as 65. Eighty five percent of our patients are mothers, living in the South Sound Region.
They often know what they want, yet they need expert advice.
So, if you've considered having larger, fuller breasts, removing unwanted fat deposits and stretched skin from your abdomen, improving your body contour, or just wanting to get your body back after child birth we invite you to give us a call.
You will be GLAD YOU DID!
Fantastic care! It really put my mind at ease!
It just cant get much better. Great job, well done!
You cant possibly beat this! Thats why I keep coming back and refer you to my friends and family. You guys are #1!
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