Thank you for your interest in Clippers Grooming Salon. It is a privilege to serve customers within our community by providing a clean and healthy environment while working for long term and happy relationships.
Hours: (Tuesday - Friday) 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Closed Sunday, Monday and Major Holidays
Flexibility: Arrival/Pickup times before or after salon hours must be prearranged at time of appointment scheduling.
Clippers Grooming Salon
4125 108th Avenue E
Edgewood, WA
Proud to be serving the greater Puyallup, Edgewood, Tacoma and surrounding communities as a premier home business.
Thank you for voting Clippers Grooming Salon Best In Edgewood for 2009-2010 under Pet Services Catagory - Milton Edgewood Signal - Pierce County Community Newspaper Group.