619 Cedar Ave. in Marysville, Washington.
At Pioneer we strive to provide a large number of professional services to satisfy your dental requirements. Our services include the following:
Repairs to Dentures and Partials (Most repairs in about an hour)
Relines (Same Day)
Removable Dentures over Implants
Immediate Dentures (After you are evaluated for extractions by a Dentist or Oral Surgeon , we will fabricate the necessary appliance).
Flippers (Transitional Partial Dentures). From one tooth to several teeth. This product provides esthetics and function during transition to bridge or implant work.
Answers to your questions concerning any of the above mentioned items
Processing of Insurance information to provide you a pre determination of benefits. Most major insurances are accepted.
Having an in house Dental Lab allows us to have complete quality control. Every patient has different needs and requirements. Dentures and Partials should be evaluated periodically. Your ridges are constantly changing. This can result in ill-fitting Dentures, sore spots, fractures and broken teeth. Dentures and partials should be relined every couple of years. Other factors that can affect your fit are health issues, weight loss, poorly repaired dentures, worn teeth. Ask your Denturist about your special needs concerning the fabrication of your denture. This can include color, shape and size of teeth, minimal upper lip showing or no teeth showing when you smile. Your Denturist is well trained and should be able to provide answers to your questions.
30 years of experience providing real estate education.
Our senior instructors have over 60 years of combined real estate experience
and are available 6 days a week.