Personal Injury Attorneys Serving Bremerton, Bainbridge and Kitsap
Skilled Counsel for Complex Accident Claims
With a focus on personal injury litigation that goes back 25 years, J. Michael Koch & Associates, P.S., Inc., helps people in Kitsap County, the Olympic Peninsula and other western Washington communities realize the full potential of their accident claims. If you or a family member needs an attorney's advice about the best ways to pursue compensation after an accident, even when liability is in dispute or your damages are uncertain, contact our office in Silverdale for a free evaluation of your case.
Call 888-447-6271 or 360-536-4197 for a Free Consultation
Mike Koch founded our firm in 1973, and we've concentrated primarily on personal injury claims since the mid-1980s. Although we've seen many changes in the law, investigative methods, claims settlement practices and jury behavior, our lawyers have remained committed to maximizing the value of a car accident claim or a claim arising in the workplace against someone other than your employer through close attention to the details of each client's claim.
Our case evaluation techniques allow us to assess the value of a given case and the evidence we'll need to prove it. We encourage our clients to concentrate on their medical treatment in the earliest stages following an accident, not only because a complete physical recovery is the most important task at hand, but also to document the details of an injury and your prognosis.
Once we develop an estimated value of a case, we focus on collecting that amount through settlement or trial. We won't recommend that a client accept anything less until the facts and the law indicate that it's in your interests to do so.
Because insurers in recent years have shown an increased willingness to take disputed accident claims to trial, our own willingness to try cases and diligent preparation add significant value to a car or truck accident claim. In other words, we regard the prospect of a jury trial more as an opportunity than a threat.
Dependable Advice for Clients in Bremerton, Silverdale, Poulsbo, Port Orchard, Bainbridge, and the rest of Kitsap County
Keep in mind, however, that the decision to accept a settlement offer or take the case to trial belongs to the client, not the attorney. We therefore make sure that you have the information and advice you need to make an intelligent decision at each critical turn of the case. We also stay available to answer questions or work through problems with each client whenever we're needed.
For more information about the personal injury practice at J. Michael Koch & Associates, contact us in Silverdale for a free consultation.
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