Our Philosophy: At Cedar River Animal Hospital we are committed to providing comprehensive, quality care for patients to enhance their well being and quality of life. We achieve this by having a compassionate, knowledgeable and professional staff, utilizing the latest technological advances and implementing the foremost medical practices. It is our goal to educate and involve clients in a lifetime health care plan for their special companions.
Office Hours By Appointment
Emergency Services: Please call us at once for any emergency at 425-226-9773.
Care is always available for your pet. Emergencies during hospital hours are always given priority attention over routine procedures. In most cases, after-hour emergencies will be referred to Aerowood After Hours Emergency Hospital.
Quality Care: We are proud to one of less than 12 percent of North American veterinary hospitals with the American Animal Hospital Association accreditation. This means that we meet strict standards for excellence in over 400 areas of patient care. Our facility is regularly inspected by AAHA. Members must meet the highest standard in the delivery of professional health care.
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