The employees of Silver City Timber Company bring a broad wealth of experience to the forest products industry. Our staff of foresters, harvest crews, truck drivers and clean-up crews all pride themselves in providing the best possible results.
Owning several thousand tree farm acres and managing thousands more has brought us the experience required for a successful timber harvest. Be it 10 acres or 2,500 acres, we strive to minimize the impact while maximizing the return. We are always working to meet the goals of our customer.
Our foresters walk with customers through the property and help make a "forest management plan" that fits the forest and the goals of our customer. We help identify forest health issues and identify property lines, streams, ponds, new roads, etc...
Our logging crews receive the same detailed forest management plan from our forester. A logging plan is created to follow the plan while efficiently performing the timber harvest. Our landowner customers are encouraged to take part in all phases of the operation. Our goal is to harvest and manufacture timber for the best possible return.
When any harvest nears completion, our clean up efforts begin. Limbs and debris from the harvest are raked into slash piles or chipped; depending on the goals of the landowner. We take pride in providing the best clean up in the business. To complete the clean up process, slash piles can be burnt. We are also very active in grinding logging slash and hauling it to a facility where it is used to create renewable energy.
Take the time to browse our services and see what a difference our experience, equipment and industry knowledge provides the private timberland owner.
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