Hello there! The fact you've arrived at our Website means one of two things: 1. You're an insomniac Web browser with bloodshot eyes, or 2. You are in the process of some kind of building project and have questions—probably a lot of them. If "2" is your answer, you've come to the right place. If it's the other, all we can do is suggest a glass of warm milk, or maybe four fingers of good bourbon.
These days, all builders have questions and need help along the way, which is what we’ve been doing every day since the late '80s. Since our production facility is located in Deer Park, which is a nice little town but a little off the beaten track, a big part of the help we give is to come to your job site at your convenience.
But alas, you ask, who is this masked man who will present himself at my job site? Is he some 90-day wonder? Some instant expert? Someone whose main interest is to relieve me of my construction cash?
No, no, and no! Oh, are you in for a pleasant surprise! What lies ahead of you are photographs and short bios of the absolute best, most experienced outside sales professionals this industry has to offer. We also want you to meet our inside sales Staff," who specializes in floor designs, cabinets, and building materials.
After you browse, decide who you want to help you, send him an e-mail or give him a phone call, and he will take it from there. Contact Evergreen Truss & Supply in Deer Park, Washington, for all you truss & building supply needs.
Measured by the people we employ & the products we produce & sell, Evergreen Truss & Supply has established itself as the best company of its kind in the region. Our reputation has taken years of hard work to earn & is a source of pride among all our employees.
Consequently, we try hard to hire new people who will come to share our pride in what we do and how we do it. Don't hesitate to send us an e-mail at evergreen@e-truss.net telling us about yourself and any relevant work experience you may have in the truss or construction industries.