Sunshine Health Facilities is comprised of Sunshine Gardens, Sunshine Terrace, Sunshine House, and Sunshine Physical Therapy and Fitness Center. Our facilities are located on a single campus in Spokane, Washington.
We provide a continuum of care to the Spokane Valley. Sunshine Gardens is a nursing home which provides short term rehabilitation, long term care, and skilled nursing care. Sunshine Physical Therapy and Fitness Center provides geriatric therapy, orthopedic, cardiac, and sports injury rehabilitation. Rehabilitation services can be provided on an in-patient or out-patient basis.
Sunshine Terrace is a residential care facility and Sunshine House is an independent boarding home. Sunshine Terrace and Sunshine House provide living options and programs for residents with mental health needs.
"We exist to treat each individual with the respect, reverence, and dignity fitting to one created in the image of God."
"Our experience with Sunshine Gardens was totally positive. You have excellent people and operations. Very impressive! Thank you for bringing our father through this threatening setback and giving him the ability to resume his life at home. You do a great job."