Caliber Precision is located in Mount Vernon WA. and offers a diverse range of manufacturing services, whether you are looking for quick turn prototype's or a long term production source of your precision turned and machined parts.... Caliber Precision is your source.
From complex to simple parts; very small up to several feet long, we will meet or exceed your expectations.
We specialize in multiple part projects and also offer assembly services for your convenience.
Our customer service is person to person with each customer receiving a designated contact. Through this contact you have access to real time status of your parts and enables us to meet your specific needs with speed and accuracy. Our goal is to make our shop feel and operate as an extension of your business.
Our partnership network allows us to provide your desired finishes from plating and painting to heat treat and labeling. The bulk of our customer base is from Portland Oregon to Vancouver B.C but due to our software and online capabilities, we have successfully maintained customer relationships all over the world.
We hope to hear from you soon and will be happy to provide a quote or address any questions you may have. Call Now 360-333-7602.
CNC Machining ♦ CNC Turning ♦ Assembly ♦ Prototype to Production
"Caliber Precision has become one of our most trusted vendors. This is a position that they have earned through excellent performance on our purchase orders and high integrity. I would highly recommend this company as a core vendor."
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