Washington Collectors, Tri-cities, Inc. is a Debt Collection Service Business.
We have been in the Debt Collection Service business for almost fifty years, since 1958 and family owned and operated since 1977, and are the largest staffed agency in Eastern Washington. As such, we handle the most legal filings of any agency in our area and provide services primarily in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, with affiliates throughout the United States and Canada. Spot Check Verification System, a subsidiary division of our company, also services Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
Debt Collectors Agency Services
As money is recovered, we itemize by date paid and remit after the close of business for the previous month’s activity. We are also a credit reporting agency and report all accounts assigned with a balance over $50.00 to the national credit bureaus in order to reflect the debt on an individual’s credit report.
We have a solid reputation of being in compliance with all state and federal laws, including but not limited to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, Gramm-Leach-Bliley and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
Our agency has been a member of the collection agency community since inception and we pride ourselves on fast, fair and reliable customer service with an extensively trained professional staff and a very low employee turnover rate. We have built a reputation of having the highest integrity, personal service and customer care. Our employees are not micro-managed; enabling them to give our clients the one-on-one personal attention and care. We have found that this produces efficient debt collection and recovery for our clients while providing respectful customer service for the debtors.
The professional and competent staff that makes up our collection department is dedicated to reviewing your accounts, responding to your questions and assisting your own internal collection staff. Our recovery rate for the previous year was 33.7%, which is 12-15% higher than the national average of 19.8% (according to the American Collector’s Association). Utilizing the latest debt collection products available such as search engines, Credit Bureau headers, nationwide real property and SmartDial predictive dialer equipment, we are fully equipped to locate and recover balances on each account.
Specializing in cradle to grave collection of all types of bad debt, including but not limited to retail, medical and dishonored checks, we offer complete professional collections services for both the client and the debtor. Our client base consists of hospitals, medical and dental accounts, other professional services such as attorney firms and accountants, government entities, utilities, retail merchants, dishonored check collections and commercial collections. We offer our clients reports of payments and detailed accounts lists and for the debtors, several payment options and basic information about credit restoration.