It’s often said that“Massage school is a life changing event.” That’s true. The thing that most LMPs love about their job is Freedom. The flexibility of their schedules brings Freedom. Many jobs require an 9-5 existence. Wake early so you can commute to the office. Put in your 8.5 a day. Commute home to prepare to start all over. Year after year. The flexibility of working when and with who you wish isis a life changer. Receive the education that will bring you flexibility and freedom.
A unique part of BIOM is the technology that you learn to not only become a phenomenal LMP but to also make dramatic changes in your life. We all have things that we would like to tweak or just plain change but don’t know how. Now you can learn how. Step by step processes that will propel your life in the direction you desire.Your certification program will provide you with first-class bodywork education and cutting edge personal development.
Integrating advanced massage education with the way your mind naturally works just makes sense, doesn’t it? We’re told most of our lives to just learn this and learn that but never told how. Until now. So truly learn massage.
Take your current unique abilities and mould them with the unique comprehensive education that you can only receive at Barlen Institute of Massage. As our classes are small, maximum is 10 students, we tend to stop taking applications well before we begin our certification program.Your life is going somewhere, why not point it inthe direction you wantit to go? Enroll in a life changing experience – Massage School.
Apply online or Call Today, 509.962.3535. This is a fantastic time for you to begin a new career.
We know that choosing a child care center is one of the most difficult decisions a parent has to make. At Rainbow Learning Academy, we are based upon the principles of developmentally practice.
SunShower Learning is the producer and distributor of Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts, a training program that helps people speak up against bias in the workplace. Web: www. sunshowerlearning. com