We look forward to your visit and to providing you with quality, personalized dental care. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service in helping you maintain a healthy and attractive smile.
Dentistry is an investment in restoring and preserving your oral health. Our office strives to provide you with the highest quality of care, from hospitable customer service to excellent clinical treatment. As our patient, you can expect, and will receive, superior care and attention in pleasant surroundings.
During your first visit, we will evaluate both your urgent dental needs and your long-term care requirements. We allow time to take current records, which may include X-rays and study models or photographs of your teeth. These records enable us to provide personalized treatment to restore and protect your long term dental health.
Looking for a trusted dental office near you in Seattle? Look no further than Greenlake Dental - Seattle. Our experienced team is here to cater to all your dental needs.