Have you or your children been diagnosed with ADD and you don't like the options you have seen?
Are you enabling or concerned about someone's abusive/addictive behavior and in need need of a supervised intervention?
Is the pain of your childhood holding you hostage from personal growth and relational connection?
Is your relationship with someone you really love going in the wrong direction?
Is trying harder to "do better" failing and causing you to lose hope?
If so, you are not alone. We have some options that have benefited us and hundreds of others...
Take a few moments and visit with us as we want you to be able to make informed choices about your future and the future of those close to you. You are not here by mistake. There is hope, regardless of your past failures and circumstances. Healing is possible if you truly are ready for a change.
Behavior assessment and personalized recovery programs for addictive behaviors/compulsive disorders. Intervention services and placement coordination. Classes and facilitated groups for Emotional Healing offered on an ongoing basis. Individual, couples, and family counseling. Upcoming classes and dates offered.
Educational presentations and seminars available.
If you or someone you love is struggling with life and is unable to overcome behaviors which are destructive to themselves or those close to them, we have some options for you to evaluate that address the entire person. Not part of the person; the whole person. The body, mind and spirit work together to provide a sense of well-being. If any of these systems are compromised, all suffer and offer less than an ideal environment for overcoming behavioral challenges. Isn't it about time to look at a bigger, more comprehensive picture so that you can make decisions based on facts, not assumptions? We would like to partner with you to support life change in you or in those that you love.
We offer affordable, effective, spirit-led counseling from a faith-based or a traditional counseling approach as you prefer. Our counselors and staff are committed Christians....