Education NW Resources offers educational services for Kindergarten to adult students in the Spokane area. Through our tutoring and testing services, we can help you develop the skills necessary for your success. Our professional and reliable staff meet the needs of the individual learner in a caring learning environment. We also specialize in providing alternatives for those with learning difficulties or special needs. Contact us for more information today.
Accredited Classes through the ENWR Learning CenterWe now offer official transcripts for grades K-12 through Family Academy / Academy Northwest, an accredited extension program school in the Seattle area. Our ENWR Learning Center combines the best of homeschooling with private school for grades K-12. Public/Private school and homeschool students in grades 7-12 are also able to earn official credits through our "One Credit or Less Option" and our Summer School programs.
We tutor students from kindergarten to adult in many subject areas and levels. Our tutors can help you in mathematics, reading, writing, study skills, science, college preparation and test preparation. We specialize in individualizing your tutoring program to fit your needs and provide a low student-teacher ratio. Building self-esteem, changing "I can't" to "I can", and developing long-term skills are just some of the benefits of our tutoring services. Our tutoring rate is only $30 per hour with no registration fee.
Testing and Test PreparationWe offer achievement testing for grades 2-12 with a skill-gap analysis that will give you specific information about areas that need improvement. We also provide individual or group homeschool testing that meets the state's annual testing requirement.
Our test preparation services include individualized tutoring for the WASL, GED, SAT/ACT, GRE, ASVAB, and college entry exams. We also provide SAT Preparation courses that are designed to include 14 hours of instruction in Mathematics, Critical Reading, and Writing with optional tutoring to work on individual skill gaps. Our SAT Prep Seminar brochure can be downloaded from the Testing & Test Prep page. Summer SAT Prep classes in August are also available.
Contact us in Spokane, Washington, for your educational needs.
Now Serving Spokane, Cheney, Eastern Washington, & Idaho
Monday – Thursday and Saturday morning: By Appointment Friday & Sunday Closed
Mention Our Website and Receive
the First 5 Hours of Tutoring for the Price of 4 or
$50.00 Off an SAT Preparation Seminar!
At Think Academic Systems we specialize in preparing students for a series of standardized tests and more. We especially excel with students for whom English is not their first language.
4714 Rainer Ave S Ste. 80, Seattle, Washington, 98118