Im Brad Remington, MD and many thanks for visiting! I would like to welcome you to Remington Plastic Surgery and our passion of providing true excellence and the highest standard of care in plastic surgery. I am a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and have been in private practice for over twenty years. It is certainly an honor and a privilege to help people look the way on the outside how they see themselves on the inside. At Remington Plastic Surgery, we believe that every body is beautiful and your best is yet to come.
I see patients that may not like their breasts, feel their abdomen is not as flat as it used to be before children or their thighs are out of proportion to the rest of their body. They may want to maintain or regain their facial youthfulness, improve the puffiness of their eyelids or refine the look of their nose. It is especially exciting to be a part of the journey to help them reach their goals. Whatever your dreams, they are welcome here!
”Let the surgeon be bold in all sure things and fearful in
dangerous things; let him avoid all faulty treatments and
practices. He ought to be gracious to the sick, considerate
to his associates, cautious in his prognostications.
Let him be modest, dignified, gentle, pitiful, and merciful;
not covetous nor an extortionist of money; but rather let
his reward be according to his work, to the means of the
patient, to the quality of the tissue, and to his own dignity.”
Guy de Chauliac, 1300-1370
The Stella Center for Facial Plastic Surgery in Seattle is dedicated to providing the most up-to-date surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation and enhancements to all patients.