"I feel the greatest resource of our community is the people that live and work here. I am dedicated to providing the finest healthcare possible to our patients and that individual attention to each patient's concerns is the foremost interest of our clinic."
Dr. Linda J. DeGroot, D.C.
Linda J. DeGroot, D.C.20536 108th Ave SE Kent, WA 98031
Kent Office Phone (253) 854-7711Renton Office Phone (425)228-8355Clinic Fax (253) 859-4792
Doctor it only hurts when I Do This
The comical response is, "So don't do that!!!" If what makes "it" hurt is standing, sitting, or especially, breathing, we are in trouble. For back pain sufferers, all these things and many others are painful. Back pain sufferers are forced to change their lives when they are "down in the back". Favorite activities become memories and busy people can be stopped dead in their tracks by back pain.
Automobile Accidents are the leading cause of Whiplash. Very often, whiplash victims are told that their soreness and stiffness, along with any other symptoms, will go away with time. And too often, just the opposite happens!
Women and Chiropractic
Doctors of Chiropractic have always recognized that women face many health problems unique to them because of their female physiology, including the fact that their bodies are designed to be able to bear children. Pregnancy and the menstrual cycle are two of the most important health matters for women. Pregnancy and it's recovery, pain during the menstrual period (dysmennorrhea), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and chronic pelvic pain are four of the most distressing conditions that are unique to the female body that chiropractic can help with.
Back Packs and Back Pain
The amount of weight carried by children in their backpacks deserves serious consideration. Loading the spine risks low back pain not only in adults but in children; the load that children commonly carry is their school backpack. To quantify how much weight children likely carry in their backpacks, researchers from Milan, Italy ascertained the weight of backpacks used by sixth graders at several schools.
Dr. Faith Doyle has been working in Puyallup Washington WA for the last 25 years. She is your preferred chiropractor. She is a diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians.
13613 Meridian E, Suite #260 Puyallup, WA 98373-9800