Tues. Nov. 16th - New Agility 1 Class at main facility
Sun. Nov 28th - Ten Minute Tickers at main facility
Dec. 2nd - New Home Obedience Session at main facility
Sun. Dec. 5th - New Agility 1 Class at main facility
Sun. Dec. 5th - New Home Obedience Session at main facility
Weds. Dec. 29th - Kids & Canines Class at main facility
Sun. Jan. 9th - Growl Class at main facility
AKC recently began allowing mixed breeds to compete in performance sports... Congratulations to Anne Seethoff and Gabe for competiting and placing in Novice A at the WSOTC trial in April 2010!
Check out Anne & Gabe's photos on AKC's web site:
This website and its contents are owned by Kathy Lang and Family Dog Training Center-- unless otherwise noted. Nothing from this site may be used without the written permission of Kathy Lang, Family Dog Training Center or the identified owner. 2000-2010
PLEASE READ THIS DISCLAIMER: Kathy Lang and Family Dog Training Center have taken great measures to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, however, neither can be held responsible for errors. Schedules and instructor assignments may be changed as necessary to accommodate student loads. Articles, photos and text contained on this web site are intended to be informational ONLY and do not constitute training guidance, examples or instructions.