The Christian and Missionary Alliance began in 1887 as a deeper-life movement
under the leadership of Dr. A. B. Simpson. His passion was to "take the whole
Bible to the whole world." Today we're 84 countries to the goal.
The U.S. Christian and Missionary Alliance (in the United States) is a group of churches united in a pattern of districts with a national hub. Thus, local churches in the Alliance are not wholly independent bodies. They relate to a district conference as well as to the national organization.
The Alliance is a 118-year-old missions denomination with nearly 2,000 churches attended by 420,000 people in the United States. Internationally, C&MA national churches and ministries are located in 84 countries with 3 million followers of Jesus in 18,000 churches. The Alliance is ordinary people, empowered by an extraordinary God, multiplying communities of Christ throughout the world.
U.S. National Office
The U.S. National Office is made up of four divisions that help oversee the ministry of the C&MA: Advancement, International Ministries, National Church Ministries, and Operations/Finance. Advancement works to mobilize constituents for Great Commssion involvement by praying, giving, and serving. International Ministries is divided into four regional offices (Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe/Middle East, and Latin America) that oversee 52 fields where more than 700 C&MA mission- aries minister. National Church Ministries oversees 30 geographic/ethnic districts and seven associ- ations (African-American, Chinese, Dega, Filipino, Haitian, Laotian, Spanish Western). These districts and associations comprise nearly 2,000 churches with approximately 389,000 members and adherents. Operations/Finance provides operational support and manages the finances of the C&MA.
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