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Welcome to Sumner Chiropractor, Dr. Marc Graham
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Our chiropractic website is especially designed for health-conscious folks in Sumner.
As a chiropractor, I get to help people who suffer from a variety of health issues.
Naturally, chiropractic helps traditional neck and back problems, but chiropractic has also produced wonderful results with a variety of organic and systemic problems.
Chiropractic is safe. Chiropractic is natural. And Chiropractic works!
Find out why other Sumner-area residents prefer the chiropractic care that we provide at Sumner Chiropractic Clinic. Call to arrange a consultation today and find out if you're a good candidate for today's chiropractic care!
Dr. Marc Graham | Sumner, Washington Chiropractor | Phone: (253) 863-7411
Whiplash: Car Optional
When most people in Sumner think of whiplash, they immediately think of something that happens in a car crash. This Sumner chiropractor knows there are other culprits. more
Colic and Chiropractic
If you're 36 years old, crying two to three hours a day, chiropractic may not help. But if you're 3 months old, find out what 94% of Danish parents discovered by taking their crying newborn to a chiropractor. more
Why We Love Comfort Food
As stress levels rise in Sumner, many are eating their childhood favorite foods. Yum! more»
Trying to be a Super Mom?
Attempting to be the best Super Mom in Sumner will rob you of your health and well-being. more»
My Baby Wont Nurse!
Your baby can't tell you, "My neck hurts!" So we suggest a chiropractic checkup for all newborns. more»
Childhood Ear Infections
Lots of children in Sumner suffer from chronic ear infections. Can chiropractic help? more»