Green Angel Sustainable Living Center
Green Angel Gardens offers the opportunity of living the vision of integrating our lives with the natural systems of life on Planet Earth.
Growing food is only one element in our journey to living sustainably on Planet Earth. Learning to build a healthy soil, the “web of life;” learning to compost and recycle our byproducts as humans to turn them into more life-giving elements for the Planet; harvesting the rain for water; the sun and wind for electrical needs; making available physical and spiritual opportunities through Yoga, meditation, music and community events, all work together to form the life stream of Green Angel Gardens Sustainable Living Center and Organic Farm.
Green Angel's Sustainable Living Center has diverse programs:
The Green Angel Yoga Studio and Calendar of Events at the Center
And of course, please also explore our blog, Chicken Scratch, our section about the steward of Green Angel, Larkin Stentz, and his personal projects, and our list of links to friends of Green Angel.
Green Angel Gardens P.O. Box 1229 • Long Beach, WA 98631
(360) 244-0064 •
Certified Organic March 2001 to March 2010 by the WSDA Please report challenges to the Site Administrator. Thank you.