With more than 20 years of experience, The Green Box has been focusing on vaporizers, electronic cigarettes, glassware, and all your smoking products. We stock a wide selection of vapes and vaping accessories from your favorite brands to take our vaping experience to the next level. We also provide the finest electronics cigarettes form all the brands you trust at affordable prices. We offer the largest selection of top brand e-cig mods, including: Aprire, Pioneer, Tobeco, Kamry, Hcigar, Innokin Itaste, Sigelie, EPHro, Eleaf iSmoka, SteamGear, SMY, Kanger, SMOK and more. We also carry cleaning supplies and detoxes for your convenience. Visit https://www.greenboxmilton.com/ or call (253) 392-2166 to find more.