Kornfeld, Trudell, Bowen & Lingenbrink, PLLC is a Seattle area law firm dedicated to serving injured individuals in their personal injury cases. Our law firm is located in the heart of Kirkland, Washington on Lake Washington. Our goal and mission statement is to provide superior legal service to our clients with integrity and respect. Our personal injury attorneys serve Washington State.
Physical injury resulting from another’s negligence can happen anywhere at any time, it is almost always unexpected and it knows no discrimination. Recovery for personal injury is difficult in and of itself. Unfortunately it is almost always made more difficult when the injured individual is faced with dealing with an insurance company to obtain reasonable and fair compensation.
The law firm of Kornfeld, Trudell, Bowen & Lingenbrink takes the burden of dealing with insurance companies from the injured person thereby allowing them to dedicate their time to recovery. If you have suffered a personal injury or loss as the result of someone else's negligence, and desire to free yourself from dealing with insurance companies, allow us to represent you in obtaining reasonable and fair compensation.
If you live in Washington State and are involved with a personal injury case, or know of someone who is, contact us to discuss your rights. This should be done before giving a statement to the insurance adjuster. We will inform you of your rights and give you the information you need to make a determination on how to proceed in your best interest.
We will review your insurance policy with you and discuss it in terms that make sense to you. Even if you decide to represent yourself, a short conference with one of us will get you started on the right track by giving you input on how best to proceed.
We invite you to schedule a consultation with us to discuss your personal injury situation. We will meet with you at no charge. We will evaluate the merits of your case and whether damages can be recovered.
DISCLAIMER: This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Persons accessing this site are encouraged to seek independent counsel for advice regarding their individual legal issues.