Congratulations! You have successfully began your shopping experience to help your local school or fundraising event.
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We believe in this program so much that when you order anything from our site from now till January 1 2011. We will give back to you charity organization 100% of the profits.
Thank you for shopping with us. We want you to know that 50% to 75% of the profit from your order goes to the school, charity, or fund raising event of your choice. So when you shop with us, just know that your hard earn money stays local unless you tell us otherwise to send to a national organization (American Cancer Society, Fallen Heroes Fund, ect.
Now to explain a little bit if we sale an item that is $20 and it cost us $10 that leaves $10 over so then $5 goes to your choice of school, charity, or fund raising event. The remaining $5 goes to us for our cost. If you order any of our hoilday decor then 75% goes back.
Now here is the best part unlike other places that only give to a certain amount or for a certian amount of time our web page is open 24/7, 365 days and no matter how much we raise for an event we want to keep on giving. So please help us do so