Business Network Washington
Products and Services:540
Articles and publications:157
Tenders & Vacancies:1

Antique Warehouse Inc
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Our specialty is to bring you exclusive and hard to find antique furniture including many one of a kind items.
Address1019 1st St Snohomish, WA 98290-2908
Phone(360) 568-7590
Thursday - Sunday, 9am-5pm, Tuesday & Wednesday, 11-5pm, Mondays by chance (or appt.)

Is to bring you the best antique furniture, at the best possible price and the best quality possible. We travel very extensively throughout the United States to collect antiques and our reputation speaks for itself.
Our specialty is to bring you exclusive and hard to find antique furniture including many one of a kind items. A small portion of them are listed in our photo gallery. We are making every effort to keep our Photo Gallery up to date as best as we can.
You will also find a short description, including prices below the larger photographs.
We deal in the finest quality furniture in American Oak, Mahogany, Pine, Mission, Victorian, Office and Commercial antiques.
Old tin and porcelain signs, magazines, ads, picture discs, and above average collectibles.

6500 square feet, located in the scenic heart of Downtown Snohomish.
We have a lot of repeat customers, and the one thing that brings them back is the superb quality and the never ending change in updating our merchandise.
We can arrange shipping of most items national, however, for international shipping, please talk to our staff first!

Please be aware that the color for some products vary as it is impossible to get 100% accurate color. If in doubt, please call and ask for an accurate description of the item, including color and size etc!

Send mail to Eamon Puzzo with questions or comments about this web site.


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