I would like to announce that Ann Morgan, PA-C has officially resigned and will not be returning. She and her family will be relocating to the SW USA. I'd like to thank her for her 14 years of excellent service. We wish her all the best.
Please welcome Laura Behrends, PA-C who will be joining us in October 2010. I am confident she will be a great addition to Riffe Medical Center, Inc. We are taking appointments for her now, call 360-983-8990.
Welcome to the Riffe Medical Center, Inc. website. We hope that this site will help answer many questions you might have about our services. Do not hesitate to call for questions that are not answered here.
We are very excited to introduce our interactive services. These include online bill payment and Virtual Office Visits which can allow you to interact with the doctor without coming to the office, for a limited number of conditions. Please take advantage of all these interactive these services by creating a personal, secure and private online account with us.
Our desire at Riffe Medical Center, Inc. is to bring you excellent medical services in a manner that is caring and efficient . Thank you for the privilege and opportunity to serve you and your family. We look forward to seeing you soon.
HOURS OF OPERATIONMonday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and Friday 8 AM to noon, we are closed for lunch 12:30-1:45PM